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May 3, 2023

Dr. Monte Masten and Rick Kelly interviewed by CFO Dive

Rising health care costs continue to be a challenge in 2023. How can Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) prepare for these encroaching increases?

In an interview with CFO Dive, Rick Kelly, Senior Vice President of Employee Health and Benefits, and Dr. Monte Masten, Chief Medical Officer, discussed several topics that have a daily impact on CFOs across all organizations. These included how the changing demographics of the workforce are impacting health care concerns, how CFOs should be thinking about health care challenges and needs moving forward, how having offices in multiple states can impact benefits packages, and more.

A collaborative approach between teams such as HR and finance is “really going to be critical for the success of having a benefits program that’s not only going to take care of employees but is going to actually manage the cost effectively,” Rick said.

Read the full article in CFO Dive.