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How to win the race for talent

The race for talent is nothing new. What is new, however, is what it takes to win it. Once, higher salaries, wages, and bonuses may have been enough to attract and keep key employees. Now, they are simply considered the baseline of what an organization needs to offer. 

As employees continue to deal with the impact of the pandemic on their physical, mental, and financial health, employers are fighting to support their workforce.

Since 2020, the number of workers quitting their jobs has increased almost monthly.*


Workers leaving the leisure and hospitality industry


Workers leaving the trade, transportation, and utilities industries


Workers leaving the accommodation and food services industries

* According to U.S. Department of Labor

What's driving this talent crisis?

To better understand the reasons for increasing quit rates and turnover and why so many jobs remain unfilled, consider the findings of surveys conducted during the pandemic. A Mercer Marsh Benefits Health on Demand survey of more than 14,000 workers in 2021 found both positive and negative impacts from the pandemic, and a clear majority of respondents said they value support from their employer. Nearly 62% of employees who felt supported by their employer during the pandemic believe their employer cares about their health and well-being. By comparison, only 19% of those employees who said they had poor support felt their employer cares. Of those employees who felt supported, 44% said they were less likely to leave their job.

According to that survey, the resources workers value most include (by percentage of respondents):

"When employees feel supported, in all aspects of their lives, it resonates throughout an organization..." 

-David Eslick, CEO, Marsh McLennan Agency

What can employers offer?

For some employers, as many as five generations of employees may be in the workplace at the same time. Each demographic segment has different needs and expectations, which make it challenging to design benefit plans that meet all of them. A major lesson from the pandemic, however, is the vast majority of employees want and value resources that offer them support and improve their well-being. Resources and benefits that support employees and contribute to a sense of well-being can include programs that promote mental health, retirement and financial security, and voluntary benefits.


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Learn more about how employers who focus on well-being can gain a competitive advantage in this tough talent market in our recent report

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