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November 13, 2019

Safe driving policies

Making updates is a good business practice

David Rumsey

It’s no secret that distracted driving is a problem. The stats are staggering. According to The Zebra report, more than nine lives are lost and 1,000 are injured each day, due to distracted driving. Distracted driving costs society nearly $40 billion a year.

Only 47 states have laws against distracted driving, while 16 have specific laws against texting and driving.

In light of Minnesota’s Hands Free Cell Phone law, Marsh & McLennan Agency created an updated Safe Driving Policy to specifically address client questions about the impact on driver selection criteria along with the associated policy language. 

MMA’s cell phone policy template summarizes the new law in a clear and concise way.  We encourage all clients to update their current cell phone policies accordingly. 

What if my driver gets a Distracted Driving Citation?

MMA safety consultants were especially diligent to involve our insurance carrier partners to determine how to handle when a cell phone citation is issued. It was determined that a distracted driving citation would be consider the same as two minor moving violations as shown in these Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Acceptability Guidelines

Evaluating Motor Vehicle Reports:

Evaluating whether your employees should be driving for your organization is a great place to start when implementing your safe driving policy. MMA’s easy to read MVR acceptability matrix will help you to quickly evaluate your driver’s acceptability. MMA recommends doing this for all prospective drivers along with an annual MVR review.

Updating your safe driving policy regularly is a great business decision. Keeping your employees safe and your business from unnecessary accidents is smart business.

Contact your local Marsh & McLennan safety consultant for assistance with your policies and for training of your staff.