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December 9, 2020

Three Marsh McLennan Agency retirement advisors named to 2021 NAPA Top U-40 list

Marsh & McLennan Agency is pleased to congratulate three Retirement Services colleagues for being named to the National Association of Plan Advisors list of Top 100 Plan Advisors Under 40. Mitchel Milless, Renn Williams and Andrew Ziergiebel. We are excited to have new recipients as well as repeat winners on this highly sought after list.

“For our long-term success, it is critically important we focus on developing and supporting our internal talent, those who will be responsible for leading the growth of our firm well into the future. We are proud of our NAPA Aces award recipients and the talent they deliver for the team here at Marsh & McLennan Agency. Congratulations!”  said Craig Reid, National Practice Leader of Marsh & McLennan Agency’s Retirement Services “We are very proud of their accomplishments and look forward to them leading our growing retirement team.”

Established in 2014, this list is based on applications received from nominees designated by NAPA Broker-Dealer/RIA Firm Partners. Those applications are vetted by a blue ribbon panel of senior advisor industry experts based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative data submitted by the nominees, as well as a broker-check review, and voted on by thousands in the retirement plan industry. These “Aces” are widely seen as the future leaders of the retirement plan advisor industry.This year more than 600 nominations were submitted (a 20% increase from a year ago).