In 2015, at the age of 15, Christian was diagnosed with a Pineal Parenchymal Tumor of Intermediate Differentiation (PPTID), a very rare brain tumor. At the time he was only the sixth reported case since 2000. Like other families who receive the devastating news that their child has cancer, his family suddenly found themselves facing a whirlwind of information, appointments, and heartbreaking discussions about the future.
Because of the rarity of Christian’s tumor, there weren’t any case studies to turn to for prognosis. Doctors decided to treat it aggressively to attempt to get rid of the tumor.
“For six months our son went through treatment that consisted of chemotherapy, resection surgery and radiation. He gave up his normal teenage life to fight for his life. Words can’t explain what it is like as a parent to watch your child go through cancer. You are helpless. As much as you want to trade places, you can’t. You put on your brave face and dig deep for strength you didn’t know you had,” says Christian’s mother Shanna.
Shortly after Christian was diagnosed, Shanna came across the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation on Facebook, where she found an online community that understood what her family was going through. Her family also met six other families of children with a PPTID diagnosis. Together, they were able to compare notes and come together to bring more awareness to this rare type of brain tumor.