Our goal is to supply you with outstanding service with access to HMS Connect any time of day or night. About HMS Connect.
As the situation in Ukraine evolves, businesses should be mindful of potential risks to their people, assets, operations, or supply chains in the region and globally. Marsh, as part of the Marsh McLennan family of companies, has created a page with information, tools, and resources related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Please visit the page for the latest information.
HMS Business Hours Reporting
24 Hour Claims Reporting
800-356-6563 option #9
Pay Your Bill
Our goal is to supply you with outstanding service with access to HMS Connect any time of day or night. About HMS Connect.
Whether you require assistance with routine day-to-day issues or long- term strategic planning, simply contact MyHRWS. About HRWS.
Employee Health & Benefits
Scott Reber, Executive Vice President
Terry Katz, Vice President of Claims, Education, Training & Quality Assurance
Business Insurance & Surety
Craig Bancroft, Senior Vice President - Surety
Sean Connolly, Vice President of Sales
Len Novotny, Vice President of Operations
Michael Sutherland, Senior Vice President of Captive & Safety Management
Private Client
Harry Trostle, Vice President