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As the situation in Ukraine evolves, businesses should be mindful of potential risks to their people, assets, operations, or supply chains in the region and globally. Marsh, as part of the Marsh McLennan family of companies, has created a page with information, tools, and resources related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Please visit the page for the latest information.

Business Income and Contingent Business Interruption

To best protect your organization, your risk management program must address risks specific to your industry.

Our focus on loss prevention and recovery helps minimize business interruption. We help you understand your exposures and how to manage them effectively.

Benefits of Business Interruption Insurance

You deserve tailored programs and solutions to fit your unique exposures. Our process is highly collaborative and involves experts from various risk specialties. These include:  

  • Program design expertise backed by worldwide market intelligence
  • Business income valuation services pre- or post-loss
  • Risk-bearing capacity analysis
  • Loss prevention and mitigation services

Business Income and Contingent Business Interruption Coverage

If disaster strikes, we help make sure you are covered. Business interruption insurance coverage replaces business income lost when normal business functions are halted due to a covered direct physical loss or damage, such as a natural disaster. Our specialists examine your potential risk exposures and help you create an action plan.

Extra expense coverage

We’ll help keep your business running smoothly after a covered loss such as property damage. Extra expense coverage pays for additional costs above normal operating expenses so you can continue operations.

Ordinance and law increased the period of restoration

Coverage must be extended to cover additional loss for the time necessary to replace or repair a damaged building to conform with current building laws and ordinances.

Ordinary payroll

In the event of a loss, there’s a great benefit to ensuring your employees can still get paid.

Complex claims advocacy

We’ll advocate with insurers on your behalf if complex claim issues arise.

Active assailant, civil unrest, and workplace violence

The rise of active assailant attacks has led to new insurance solutions offering a broader definition of terrorism. This helps to protect companies who are not the direct target of an attack but have suffered a loss due to disrupted business operations.

Supply chain disruptions

We help identify potential supply chain disruptors—both direct and indirect. These include your owned operations and partners within your extended supply chain.

Meet a business interruption specialist.

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