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On demand | Managing the risk of resident elopement

Thank you for your interest in our event. Unfortunately this webinar has passed. If you would like to watch a recording of the session, please click the link below.

The headline reads – “A Resident Dies from Hypothermia After Wandering From a Nursing Home.” Elopement risk presents a serious health and safety risk for residents and a significant professional liability risk for senior communities. A key responsibility for senior care organizations is to develop a comprehensive elopement management program including current policies and procedures, staff, resident, and family education, environmental safety and monitoring controls, and accurate assessment, monitoring, interventions, and care planning based on identified resident risks. This presentation will include causal and contributing factors for elopement risk events and proactive mitigating actions to manage elopement risk.


  • Define contributing factors for professional liability risk exposure for elopement events
  • Describe elements of a comprehensive elopement management program
  • Review important components of resident-centered assessment, interventions, monitoring and care planning


Date:  May 23, 2023

Time:  11 am, ET

Duration: 57 minutes

Speaker: Cyndi Siders, MSN, RN, CPHRM, CPPS, CWCA, DFASHRM, Executive Consultant, Siders HealthCare Consulting, LLC

If you’d like to connect with a local MMA consultant to learn more about this topic, please click here.

Event description.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Duration: 50 minutes




First Name, title, certifications, Company Name


First Name, title, certifications, Company Name