Impacted by wildfires or winter weather? Whether you have a business that's been affected or your personal home and assets are damaged, know that you have a team of people to support you. Find resources here.
A number of health and welfare plan notices and disclosure requirements apply to group health plans. While plans may delegate delivery of many disclosures to an insurance carrier or third party administrator (TPA), the compliance obligation for meeting most of these requirements belong to the plan sponsor or plan administrator. The employer is usually both the plan sponsor and plan administrator for traditional employer-provided coverage.
Our Guide will highlight many federally required health and welfare plan notices and disclosures, their purpose, timing requirements, and delivery methods. We will also address certain other related federal notice and disclosure requirements applicable to employers that do not depend solely on whether the employer offers health coverage to its employees. This Guide will also provide links to model notices and additional resources. Click here to download the report.