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As the situation in Ukraine evolves, businesses should be mindful of potential risks to their people, assets, operations, or supply chains in the region and globally. Marsh, as part of the Marsh McLennan family of companies, has created a page with information, tools, and resources related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Please visit the page for the latest information.

Physical Well-being Playbook Step 2: Create a Plan

Create a physical well-being plan customized to the unique needs determined in the evaluation. 


After understanding employees’ physical well-being needs, employers have an opportunity to create impactful programs. 

To build a successful program for physical well-being initiatives, an organization should create a communication strategy, enlist support of leaders at all levels of the organization, and create policies and programs that help facilitate employees’ well-being goals.  

Below are a few ways to build awareness of the importance of physical well-being with your employees. 


Educate employees on the importance of physical activity, proper nutrition, preventive care, and the management of chronic conditions for physical well-being.

Consult your dedicated Marsh McLennan Agency team for assistance with incentive design, strategy, and well-being program compliance. 



  • Review employee interest survey data to identify areas of focus.
  • Goals are longer-term accomplishments for the program.
  • Objectives are time-bound, clear, and specific, and each goal may have more than one objective.

  • Ensure all aspects of physical well-being are addressed and not limited to physical activity and nutrition.
  • Promote well-being regularly with monthly or quarterly newsletters or other educational communications, such as MMA’s We Care Communication Toolkit.
  • Name your well-being program.
    • Create a logo and/or tagline and include in all well-being communications.

  • Governance Structure & Management, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Consider offering incentives for engaging in physical well-being initiatives, such as annual preventive exams and screenings, flu shots, etc.


  • Find a Nutrition Expert, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Leverage nutrition resources offered from your health plan or other health & wellness programs.

  • Share smoking cessation resources.
  • Share a “Know Where to Go” campaign so employees understand the best place for health care depending on their needs.