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As the situation in Ukraine evolves, businesses should be mindful of potential risks to their people, assets, operations, or supply chains in the region and globally. Marsh, as part of the Marsh McLennan family of companies, has created a page with information, tools, and resources related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Please visit the page for the latest information.

Well-being Foundations Playbook Step 2: Build Awareness

Create a plan that gathers support across your organization and build awareness with your employees.

Ensure you have collaborative support for your well-being initiatives.

Examples of well-being program stakeholders:

  • Executive team
  • People/HR team
  • Safety team
  • Facilities team
  • Managers and employees

  • Executive sponsorship
  • Well-being committee
  • Well-being ambassadors/champions network (larger population of employees who help further the culture of well-being by advocating for programs and providing their input in planning)
  • Middle manager trainings/grass roots/executive sponsorship

Empowered: The people responsible for driving well-being are empowered and funded

Collaborative and cooperative: There is a formal or informal team of cross-functional stakeholders for well-being

Inclusive: All employees and stakeholder groups are involved in planning and executing the organization’s approach to wellness

  • Ensure vendor goals are aligned with overall strategies
  • Detailed service and communication outline is agreed upon and executed
  • Reporting and measurement are in place
  • Consider including performance guarantees in contract

  • Who will be the stakeholders?
  • What models of support do we want to adopt?
  • What will be the elements of the initiative?
  • Who will be the parties responsible for the elements?

Develop a well-being committee or recruit well-being champions to assist with promoting this new benefit:

Ensure third-party vendors are part of the discussion around building awareness:

If your strategy involves a third-party vendor, ask your dedicated MMA contact about our Vendor Innovation Council (VIC).  MMA’s VIC is an internal workgroup, comprised of multidisciplinary professionals, which regularly meets to evaluate current and emerging vendors in the marketplace. The workgroup reviews these third-party vendor solutions to tackle some of the chronic conditions affecting the workforce and advises on vendors to support well-being initiatives.


Prepare a communication strategy.

  • Ask employees for feedback.
  • Sponsor a logo and slogan design contest.

  • Flyers, posters, emails
  • Leadership memos
  • Videos, brief PSA style 

  • Select well-being themes.
  • Identify timing of each theme campaign.
  • We Care Communication Toolkit

  1. What are the current methods of communication to share internal information and programs?
  2. Are there current challenges with communicating information to employees?
  3. What type of employee population exists in your organization and who are you trying to reach (hybrid, virtual, in-office, or field employees)?
  4. Are there any exclusions to communications (i.e., part-time/non-eligible employees)?
  5. Who is responsible for communications?